Virus-based infectious animal illnesses can endanger agricultural animals, the environment, and human health. Economic losses and disruptions in the accessibility of animal products may result from these illnesses, which have effects on animals such as reduced yields.

Because of this, diagnostic tools, which are crucial to human health, are also very important for maintaining animal health. In order to effectively stop the disease from spreading, it is vital to establish an accurate diagnosis in the unwell animal or animals at the appropriate time.
For animal health, routine pathogen control at regular intervals is essential for starting the appropriate quarantine and treatment procedures before illness signs manifest. The diagnostic products needed by the animal health sector are covered by Anatolia Geneworks Veterinary Products Group. Bosphore LSDV Detection Kit v1, Bosphore ASFV Detection Kit v1, and Bosphore ASFV Detection Kit v2, which employ the Real Time PCR method, a DNA-based diagnostic method, are among the significant products of this group, even though research to broaden the product diversity of this group is ongoing.