Tropical Fever Panel

Real-Time PCR Kits


Infections that are common in or unique to tropical and subtropical regions are collectively identified as tropical fevers. Some of the common tropical fevers are Dengue, Malaria, Scrub Typhus, Leptospirosis, Typhoid fever, Chikungunya, West Nile, and S. enterica infections.

These infections often present as undifferentiated fevers with organ failures. Several viruses, bacteria, and protozoa cause tropical fever, and they are often transmitted by insect bites such as mosquitos. Delayed specific treatment may lead to increased morbidity and mortality rates including a significant number of patients with one or more organ failures requiring intensive care. However, clinical diagnosis might be challenging due to undifferentiated fever and overlapping symptoms. Similarly, laboratory confirmation by serological techniques may not be available or reliable in the first few days. This is why molecular diagnostic tools have become crucial in cases of Tropical Fever since they are faster and more reliable.


Ready to Use Master Mixes

Internal Control for Each Reaction

Package Size Options

Compatibility with Various Systems

Expert Support


Technical Specifications

Thermal Protocol Single thermal protocol for all parameters
Sample Types Whole blood and plasma
Shelf Life 18 Months
Channels FAM, HEX, Texas Red, Cy5
Shipping / Storage (-90°C)-(-20°C) / -20°C

Tropical Fever Panel Kits

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