Helicobacter pylori Kits

Real-Time PCR Kits


Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is an important human pathogen that infects up to 50% of the human population.

Helicobacter pylori is caused chronic inflammation in their localization area and it is the leading cause of peptic ulcers (commonly known as stomach ulcer, duodenum ulcer), gastritis and gastric cancer. More than 50% of world population has Helicobacter pylori in their superior gastrointestinal zone. Approximately 80 % of Helicobacter pylori infections are asymptomatic. Prevalent complains are burning pain in the superior abdomen, satiation feeling after slight nutrition, lack of appetite, sicchasia, vomit, black and bloody stool, tiredness and low blood count (hemogram).

H. pylori treatment is mostly performed by using clarithromycin which is a potent antibiotic. However, clarithromycin resistance of H. pylori is one of the main problems in treatment of infections. Various mutations are involved in the resistance mechanism. The prevalence of clarithromycin resistance has been increasing worldwide.


Superior Sensitivity

Compatibility with Various Systems

Internal Control for Each Reaction

Expert Support


Technical Specifications

Thermal Protocol Single thermal protocol for all parameters
Sample Types Stool, gastric tissue biopsy specimen, biopsy specimen embedded in paraffin 
Shelf Life 18 Months
Channels FAM, HEX, Cy5
Shipping / Storage (-90°C)-(-20°C) / -20°C

Helicobacter pylori Kits

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