In Diagnosis and In Treatment

Hepatitis is basically an inflammation of the liver. Many different types of infectious and non-infectious agents can cause acute and chronic inflammation of the liver. Viral hepatitis, which is caused by viruses, is the most well-known, prevalent, and challenging type among the general population.

There are five types of hepatitis viruses: A, B, C, D, and E. All varieties are present in different regions of the world, but because of local variations in densities and infectiousness, their potential for harm is not the same.

The most common types, hepatitis B (HBV) and hepatitis C viruses (HCV), differ from other types in terms of both their prevalence and their carcinogenicity.

Hepatitis B, which causes acute and chronic liver inflammation, is transmitted through blood and body fluids. Due to the shared living quarters, HBV is more prone to spread among housemates and family members.

Additionally, it can be transmitted from person to person through sexual contact, acupuncture, tattooing, piercing, and needlestick injury as well as from mother to baby upon birth. HBV can cause post-infectious cirrhosis and liver cancer, as well as symptoms including jaundice, dark urine, exhaustion, nausea, and stomach discomfort.

The hepatitis C virus is mainly transmitted by contact of infected blood with skin wounds. Rarely, sexual transmission has been documented. According to reports, up to 30% of patients with chronic hepatitis C may develop cancer and liver damage as a result of the illness. According to reports, the condition can progress to liver damage and cancer in up to 30% of those with chronic hepatitis C. The most common cause of liver transplant is HCV inflammation.

The ability to manage hepatitis with supportive antiviral therapies depends on early detection. Clinical findings revealed that HBV and HCV carriers are often also HIV carriers. Because of this, specialists advise screening  for both hepatitis and HIV.

Anatolia Geneworks keeps on its research and development activities for the diagnosis of hepatitis. Both the HBV-HCV-HIV Screening Kit and the Bosphore Hepatitis Detection and Quantification Kits are very sensitive and accurate at detecting the presence of associated viruses. With its diagnostic tools that assess viral load, Anatolia Geneworks contributes significantly to the therapeutic process following the diagnosis.

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